Spring Season 2019

Our Wine Bistro re-opens today,Thursday the 9th of May 19″.

Our doors open at 5p.m. every Thursday – Friday & Saturday until Saturday the 6th of July 19″.

Re-opening again on Thursday the 29th of August 19.

PLEASE NOTE. Our Bistro stays CLOSED on Saturday the 18.05.19″due to a private

Autumn Work

In the last few days the weather has been cold but friendly.While the men deliver Wine throughout Germany,

our work is pruning the Fields. Whilst doing this we are lucky to have lovely views of the area.At around 4p.m.

the sun sets and slowly it becomes dark time to call

A gift Idea

for Special occasions …..

A Magnum bottle (1,5Liter) with a personal greeting.

The bottle can be hand written or drawn as wished.

We have filled the bottles with a 2016 Riesling Spätlese Dry – Semi Dry – or Sweet.

The Wine Queen and her Princesses

Saturday the 20th of August 2016

Luckily the sun came out after many morning showers.The weather changed just on time for the wine queen’s special occasion.

In a beautiful decorated car, we drove through the village, accompanied by the local vice mayor, local mayor, different associations from Puenderich, locals and

Wine Festival 2016

Wine Festival 2016I, Emma Burger am to be crowned Wine Princess in Pünderich on Saturday the 20th of August at our village Festival weekend. I would be delighted If visitors stop by, take part and enjoy a glas of wine with me.

From the 19th-21st we have an exciting Programm organised for

100% Nature

A bird's nest with 6 eggs in itLuckily enough not all of our work is controlled by machines. This way we work closer to nature and discover for example, a bird’s nest. A mid the wine fields between blossoming grapes, with an amazing amount of 6 eggs in it.

So a quick snap shot and carry on

Bad weather conditions in puenderich

Unwetter Mai 2016

Just after a 20 minute period of heavy rain we knew the situation was to be taken very seriously, we knew too to expect water in our wine cellar.

Luckily we found only a shallow level of rain water in our cellar and were able to clean it out pretty

Extending our winery

Umbau am WeingutOur building site has come to an end. A BIG thankyou goes out to the following companies:

Firme Ziegler(Pünderich), Joachim Treis (Zell), Markus Linden (Pünderich) & Schäfer & Butzen (Pünderich) for their fantastic work.

Our extention is really remarkably pretty due to their great ideas & work.

We thank them

Red wine Harvest 2015

Now the beginning of September you notice how the red grapes begin to take colour. In roughly 4-6 weeks we expect to harvest our Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir) grapes.

Vine pruning in Summer

LaubschnittDespite very warm and dry summer conditions the vines are growing enorm. This means that the vine tips must be cut down to a certain level.

As seen this happens with the use of the trimming machine, which also can be used in some of our steep fields. Although some

Bottling the Wine from the production 2014

In July the rest of the wine has been bottled emptying the barrels, making room for the new wines this harvest. The wines from 2014 have matured to a very good quality despite the year being extremely turbulent.